What is Baseball League Age?
When registering for the spring season, a player will request a level of play. But what level? The following provides an overview of Pacific Little League Divisions.
While Little League International uses "League Age" requirements to define eligibility for upper divisions, each little league can define their own age criteria to separate players for safe play in younger divisions.
"League Age" is determined by Little League International. Pacific Little League is open to all children between the ages of 4 and 18 who reside in the boundaries, as defined by their residence or school address.
To determine your player's League Age, click here:
League Age Calculator
Which Baseball Division Should I Choose?
To address the most common questions among parents and players, we have outlined the appropriate division choices for your player below. This outline helps ensure players have a great Little League season full of fun, personal development, and success.
Contact the VP of Baseball for questions or recommendations regarding the appropriate division. *To request an exception to the outlined division eligibility below, see instructions below and contact the Player Agent.
Baseball Divisions at Pacific Little League
Division |
Age Range |
General Grade Level |
Pee Wee T-Ball |
4 |
Pre-K |
T-Ball |
5-6 |
Pre-K K |
Farm |
6-8 |
K - 2nd Grade |
89ers |
8-9 |
2nd - 3rd Grade |
Minors |
9-11 |
3rd - 5th Grade |
Majors |
10-12 |
4th - 7th Grade |
Intermediate |
11-13 |
6th - 8th Grade |
Juniors |
12-14 |
7th - 9th Grade |
Seniors |
13-16 |
8th - 10th Grade |
Younger Level Divisions
Pee Wee T-Ball (League Age 4 | Pre-School - Pre-K)
Pee Wee T-Ball is designed for beginners to learn the fundamentals of baseball in a fun and supportive environment. The program focuses on teaching essential skills such as throwing and hitting, while introducing players to the basic rules of the game. Pee Wee T-Ball bats through the entire line-up.
- Hitting: Players will hit the ball off of a batting tee.
- Field Size: Games are played on a small 60-foot base path and teams will play a maximum of 10 players (four outfielders)
- Ball Type: soft tee ball
- Team Formation: Teams are formed randomly by a player agent though, at this level, they do try to accommodate "buddy requests", allowing kids to play with friends
- Pee Wee T-Ball will play one game a week. First 30 minutes will be a practice and the last 30 minutes will be a game
T-Ball (League Age 5-6|Pre-K - K)
T-Ball is an entry level league where our goal is to teach players the fundamentals of hitting, fielding and throwing along with learning the basic rules of baseball. While defense is taught and encouraged, there are no official "outs" and the offense hits through the entire rotation each half inning (last player rounds the bases).
- Hitting: Players will begin the season hitting the ball off a batting tee and will have the opportunity for coach pitch, or soft-toss
- Field Size: Games are played on a small 60-foot base path and teams will play a maximum of 10 players (four outfielders)
- Ball Type: Soft tee ball.
- Team Formation: Teams are formed randomly by a player agent though, at this level, they do try to accommodate "buddy requests", allowing kids to play with friends
- T-Ball will play 2 games a week with an optional practice once a week
Farm (League Age 7-8, some 6 | K-2nd Grade)
Farm Ball builds on fundamentals with the introduction of a mechanical pitching machine and basic rules and strategies of baseball.
- Hitting: Players hit off a pitching machine.
- Field Size: 60-foot base path; 10 players per team (four outfielders).
- Ball Type: soft tee ball
- Team Formation: Randomly formed teams with buddy requests considered.
- Post Season: Double elimination tournament after regular season.
89ers (League Age 8-9 | 2nd - 3rd Grade)
The 89ers Division introduces live pitching from youth players while maintaining a fun and development-focused environment.
- Hitting: Coach pitch for the first three games, then player pitch with no walks (coach pitches after 4 balls).
- Field Size: 60-foot base path; 42-foot pitching distance.
- Ball Type: Hard ball.
- Team Formation: Blind draft by a player agent.
- Post Season: Double elimination tournament.
See 89ers Rules (Updated 2024).
Players between the League ages 10-12 are invited to participate in our annual player evaluations for Majors.
This is done so that we are able to place players in the appropriate level based on safety and development considerations.
We want to ensure that all players are having fun while continuing to build their skills with confidence.
MINORS (League Age 9-11 | 3rd - 5th grade)
Minors is an introduction to full baseball with all of the complexities of the game. Minors introduces a traditional
3 strike/4 ball count with 4 balls resulting in a walk. Base runners can advance bases at their own peril once the ball
passes home plate, or is hit into play and until the pitcher has the ball on the mound and ready to deliver the next pitch.
- Hitting: Players will be hitting off of live player pitching
- Field Size: The field size is 60-foot base path and pitching is at 46 feet
- Ball Type: Hard ball
Minors Managers are required to report pitch count for each pitcher used during games.
Click here to email Dick with pitch counts.
To see the current division pitch count report, consult this
Pitch Count Google doc.
*View only, managers cannot change the document. If you see an error, please consult with Dick Harsin.
Post Season: After the close of regular season games, each team will enter a double elimination tournament
to close out the season. The seeding of the tournament is based on blind draw.
MAJORS (League Age 11-12, some 10 | 4th - 7th grade)
Majors is fast-paced baseball following traditional rules. The Majors Division is a competitive level that continues to stress fundamental baseball and introduce more advanced baseball techniques and strategies. Tryouts are required for all players (see below).
- Hitting: Players will be hitting off of a player for all 6 innings
- Field Size: The field size is 60-foot base path and pitching is at 46 feet
Team Formation: Players will participate in an evaluation (tryout) and be drafted onto a team. Players under age 12 who are not drafted
will be placed on a Minors Baseball team.
*Note League age 12 players are generally assumed as Majors division and will be drafted following a tryout. Some
league age 12 players may best fit in minors due to safety and comfort. If you have safety concerns for your league
age 12 player don't hesitate to contact the VP of Baseball, Player Agent, or Safety Officer.
Post Season: After the close of regular season games, each team will enter a double elimination tournament
to close out the season. The seeding of the tournament is based on win/records of the regular season games.
Majors Frequently Asked Questions
<Majors Pitch Count Link>
Little League does not end at age 12 - in fact very far from it!
With Middle School not having baseball available today, our teen divisions provide a family friendly registration fee that allows their players to continue in their baseball career and bridge the gap between Majors and High School.
INTERMEDIATE (League age 11-13|6th - 8th grade)
The Intermediate league level is a competitive level that continues to stress fundamental baseball with larger "intermediate" fields, and full baseball rules.
Field Size: The field size is 70-foot base path and pitching is at 50 feet
Team Formation: Players will participate in an evaluation (tryout) and be drafted onto a team.
Rule Variance: leadoffs, pickoffs... bigger "intermediate field" dimensions.
Season Specifics: Play interleague with other intermediate teams in Little League Division 1.
Games are played at Scriber Field in Lynnwood, some Edmonds School District Field locations, and other District 1 fields.
District wide interleague play is expected during regular season.
Post Season: after the close of regular season games, each team will enter a double elimination tournament to close out the season. The seeding of the tournament is based on win/loss records of the regular season games.
JUNIORS (League age 12-14|7th - 9th grade)
The Juniors division is the first division where the game is played on 90' bases. Players can take leads and the game mimics the rules of higher levels of baseball. Players who are League Age 12 to 14 are eligible for selection to a Juniors team. This division is by draft after a tryout.
Standard Baseball: 60'6" and 90 ft bases.
Home games are played at some Edmonds School District Field Locations and alternative fields within the district. District wide interleague play is expected during the regular season. Standings are kept and there is a District wide post-season tournament.
This division allows for additional play opportunities for skilled players as a dual-rostered, age-eligible player. For more information, contact VP Juniors Baseball.
SENIORS (League age 13-16|8th - 10th grade)
The Seniors division continues the natural progression of baseball, with the game played on 90' bases. Players who are league age 13 to 16 are eligible for selection to a Seniors team. This division is by draft after a tryout.
Standard Baseball: 60'6" and 90 ft bases.
Home games are played at some Edmonds School District Field Locations and alternative fields within the district. District wide interleague play is expected during the regular season. Standings are kept and there is a District wide post-season tournament.
This division allows for additional play opportunities for skilled players as a dual-rostered, age-eligible player. For more information, contact VP Juniors Baseball and/or Player Agent Juniors.
Players are occasionally able to play up in a higher division than their age dictates due to their skill level and/or past experience (as outlined above).
If you believe your child should "play up", follow the below steps.
DO NOT alter your child's age in the system to accommodate this desire. You will be required to show proof of age before the season begins.
Register in the division your age range dictates.
In the "Special Request" section of the registration process, note that your child would like to play up a division.
After finishing the registration process, email the player agent [email protected].
Please include:
-child's name
-division registered in
-league age for this season (See League Age Calculator)
-division you would like for them to play up to
-a brief explanation of past experience and/or why they should play up a division.
Once approved, players will be internally moved into a new division by our player agent.
Any change in registration cost (different levels of play may have different playing costs) will be reflected in your Pacific Little League online account as a balance due. The player agent will email you after the move and request that you pay the remaining balance in your account.