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Pacific Little League


When does the season begin?
Please check the website home page for exact league dates and events. Typically, the season begins in March, with practices beginning immediately after the division draft or team formation process. Registration is in December and January for spring baseball and softball.

How long will the season last?
The PLL regular game season usually lasts March mid June. The season is extended for players that are selected to the All-Star tournament teams. Parents who want their children to be considered for All-Stars need to understand the potential impact upon summer vacation plans. All Star teams typically play well into July.

Where are PLL games played?
The main complex for PLL players 12 & under is at Lynndale Park in Lynnwood. Players older than 12 play at the local high schools, middle schools or at Pacific's Scriber Field. Please see the field directory for precise directions to all fields. The complex at Lynndale has three fields (known as Fields 1, 2, 3). Practices are held at local schools. Please check your team schedule and the fields maps page to be sure of the exact location.

What days and times are the games played?
Fields are in constant use. Fields at Lynndale are scheduled for play nearly seven days a week. However, games at Lynndale on Sundays usually do not begin until afternoon. Check the home page for current schedule.

Who umpires PLL games?
PLL uses a combination of parent volunteers and paid umpires. In the lower divisions (Farm/Rookies), the volunteers are parents of PLL players in those divisions. In the upper divisions (89ers, Minors, Majors and above,) the volunteers are both parents, certified umpires, and trained students. All umpires are required to attend training clinics. A plate umpire and a field umpire are used in all games, unless a scheduling issue arises causing a shortage of available umpires. In the T-Ball division, coaches manage the flow of the game.

When will the practices begin?
Practices begin immediately after teams are formed, usually in March. Your team manager will contact you to let you know about the practice schedule and the practice fields.

How often and long will my child practice?
Practice frequency and duration are up to the team manager. Generally, it is recommended that T-ball teams practice no more than one time per week for no more than one hour. Farm/Rookies, 89ers, and Minors teams practice an average of two times a week for anywhere from 60-90 minutes. Majors and older divisions teams may practice 3 or more times a week prior to the season and 1-2 times per week after the season starts. These older divisions normally have practices that last between 1.5 to 2 hours.

What if I have not been contacted?
If by late-March your child has not been contacted about placement on a team, please contact the Player Agent at [email protected]

What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?
Players should arrive at their first practice with a glove, hat, baseball/softball pants, and rubber molded cleats. A gear bag is recommended to transport bats, batting gloves, water bottles, hats, and other items. The league provides a game hat, jersey, gear for catchers, helmets, balls, and bats. However, many children bring their own helmets and bats for personal use. Check the National Little League website for an approved list of bats.

Are there any uniform supplies my child needs?
A uniform consists of a pair of baseball/softball pants, belt, a jersey, a hat, and a pair of baseball/softball socks. PLL will provide each player a team jersey and a team hat. Due to individual fittings, players need to provide the pants, belt, and socks. The jerseys don't provide much warmth, so it is a good idea to purchase a long-sleeve undershirt to match the color of your child's team. Your manager will provide more specifics as for the color and style. Rubber cleats are highly recommended, and steel spikes are not allowed. A quality leather glove is a essential. It is recommended to stay away from vinyl and simulated leather gloves that may be cheaper, but tend to cause the player a great deal of frustration. All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket, or sweatshirt to every game and practice, especially early in the season.

Can my child be placed on a team with one of their friends?
PLL allows friends to request to be placed on the same team together only in the T-ball division. In the Farm division, a request may be made, but there is no guarantee that it will be approved. In the 89ers, Minors, and Majors divisions, there are absolutely no requests due to the player selection process of the draft. The upper division teams are created using a balanced draft process that helps to promote even and competitive leagues.

If my child is unhappy with the team they are placed on, can they switch teams?
Only in extreme cases does the league allow children to switch teams after the teams have been formed. Such requests must be made in writing to PLL player agent for consideration by the PLL Board. Approval requires extenuating circumstances, so any request is highly unlikely to be approved, and in most cases we will ask the player remains with their team.

Majors Division: Once a player is drafted to a Majors team, the player remains with that team for the remainder of years with PLL in Majors and is deemed a property player.

If my child decides to quit, is it possible to get a refund?
A refund is available upon request prior to the close of registration.

Can I keep my child down in a lower division or bring him/her up a division a year early?
Yes, depending on the age division. Please contact the player agent for more information.

What are draft "options"?
Options are picks that each manager has available prior to the Majors draft. The options pertain to the manager's own child. Managers must request an option, and options are granted upon approval from the VP of that league. Please consult with player agent.

Are there any rules around minimum playing time?
Rules will vary per division regarding playing time. In the T-ball division, all players play in the field and all player bat in a continuous batting order. Continuous batting orders are used for the other divisions, however, fielders are limited to 9 players. National Little League rules are used for Majors and older.

Are there Time Limits on games?
T-ball games are limited to 1-hour. Farm games are limited to 1 hour 30 minutes. Majors division games are limited to 1 hour 45 minutes (or the time established by the league at the beginning of the season).

How many managers/coaches can be on a team?
Every team has a manager approved by the Board of Directors. Each team's manager can have as many assistants as they can find for practices, but only two assistant coaches are allowed in the dugout during games. Any manager, coach or volunteer that comes into contact with players MUST complete a volunteer application, provide identification and submit to a background check.

What are the responsibilities of a manager and a coach?
The team manager oversees the management of the team throughout the season. They are responsible for setting a practice schedule, developing a practice format, creating a lineup card for every game, and ensuring kids get their minimum playing time in each game. Managers are the focal point of the team and must be committed to following through with managing the team from mid-February to start of June. Time commitment is usually around 8-10 hours a week depending upon division. Managers need to be able to commit to be at most practices and games. Managers also must attend a pre-season meetings as required by the league, and a manager's meeting with the division representative. As well, they must schedule and conduct a parent meeting prior to the first practice of the season. Managers are assisted by a volunteer team parent/coordinator that helps with things like concession stand scheduling, fundraising events, uniform distribution, and picture day.

One assistant coach is allowed in the dugout during games. However, a manager may elect to use more than one coach during practice. Coaches provide support during practice to ensure kids get enough attention while developing their skills. Coaches are under the guidance and direction of the manager. Typically, a manager will design a practice format and have assistants take care of coaching small groups of players, assisting with batting practice, hitting fungos, or other assistant duties. Assistant coaches should commit to be at all practices and games, generally about 6-8 hours a week depending upon division. All actions of an assistant coach during games are the ultimate responsibility of the manager.

Are there conduct rules that apply during games?
Absolutely. PLL does not tolerate foul language or taunting at any level by the players, parents, managers, or coaches. Any spectator, player, manager or coach that is warned is subject to being ejected from the premises and banned from the complex for additional games.

Who is responsible for staffing the Snack Bar at the Lynndale complex?
Parents fill this important role! Check with your team team coordinator to find out the the date and time that your team is scheduled to serve.

Do I have to participate in any fundraising?
PLL relies on fundraising to help support the operations of the league. Player registration fees only account for a portion of the needed operating capital required for equipment, facilities maintenance and repairs, uniforms, etc. Pacific Little League supplements player registration fees with league sponsors and fundraising. Each team is expected to participate in the league's annual fundraising activity, typically a year-end auction.

Who do I contact if I have a problem that needs to be resolved by the league?
If at any time you have a problem or just want information, you can e-mail the league at any time. However, please first discuss any concerns with your child's manager, then with the division's player agent (who is a Board Member assigned to oversee that Division). Contact information is on the PLL Board page.

Pacific Little League

PO Box 231 
Lynnwood, Washington 98046
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