Who can play Fall Ball?All divisions are available for game play in the Fall other than T-Ball and Rookies. Given player
registration it is possible player(s) are moved into a division accordingly to fill team roster(s)
Is Fall Ball a good time for kids who have never played baseball?
No. Fall Ball is an extension of the spring season. In essence it's more games for the kids who love
the game and want to “play up”. Teams practice and there is development however players will be
experienced. We encourage kids new to baseball or softball to sign up for the spring season.
What Divisions of play are offered for Fall Ball?
Seniors/Juniors (baseball)
-- 13-15 years old players
Intermediates (baseball)
-- 11-13 years old players
Majors (baseball)
-- 10-12 years old players
Minors (baseball)
-- 9-11 years old players
89ers (baseball)
-- 7-9 years old players
Farm (baseball)
-- 6-8 years old (co-ed)
Rookies/89ers Softball (girls)
-- 6-8 years old
Minors/Majors Softball (girls)
–- 9-12 years old
Juniors Softball (girls)
–- 13- 15 years old
Are there buddy requests? Can they play with my friends?
Yes…kinda. We will do our best to honor (1) friend requests**. Be sure to list names of specific
friend(s) you would like to play with. There are typically 1 to 2 teams representing PLL in Fall Ball.
When does it start?
The Fall Ball season usually runs from early Sept through mid-October.
Game schedules will not be made until after the close of registration and coordinated via District 1.
When and where are games played?
Games usually start at 5 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday times
How many games are played?
Fall ball teams will play approximately 12 games (2 per week) during the week with weekend games.
Who do I contact with questions?
Fall Ball Coordinator -
[email protected]